What is the Campus Safety Commission (CSC)?
The CSC was convened by Interim Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz in April 2019. The mission is to assess the campus climate and culture around campus safety. The CSC was born out of a concern to address a “crisis of trust” between members of the campus community and the campus police, largely associated with events surrounding protests and events related to the removal of the Confederate Memorial. The 20 members of the Commission include students, staff, faculty, and community members.
What is our goal for the listening sessions?
During the months of September and October, members of the CSC are meeting with many students, staff, faculty, and community groups, in large and small settings, to gather feedback. The information will be used to inform a larger discussion via a campus-wide Town Hall Meeting in November 2019. Additionally, discussions will ensue regarding a university-commissioned review of police actions during significant events related to the protests and activities of the 2018-19 academic year.
What will be done with your comments?
We will follow “Chatham House Rules” which means that no individuals will be identified or linked to any particular statement. We will make use of any comments made, attributing them only to these listening sessions. Please note that we will not have answers. This effort will be used to advance the work of the Commission, including the Town Hall meeting in November, which is intended to spark a dialogue leading to recognition, response and healing.
What we want to know from You.
The following questions are prompts to generate your feedback.
- What do you need from the University in order to enhance your sense of personal safety?
- Do you feel that there is a “crisis of trust”? If so, can you suggest some possible solutions?
- Outside of the context of the protests and demonstrations related to the Confederate Monument, what causes you to feel unsafe on campus? Where or in what circumstances do you feel unsafe?
- Concerning the protests and demonstrations related to the Confederate Monument, what made you feel safe or unsafe? Did the police make you feel safe or unsafe? In what ways? Is this your personal experience, that of others you know, or based on what you have seen in the media?
- What specific safety concerns, if any, are most noticeable as a result of your affiliation with an affinity group, identity or community?
- We are open to any other comments or ideas you have. We need your feedback.
You may leave your comments ideas, or anonymous feedback using the Fall 2019 Campus Listening Session Feedback form.
Please provide feedback prior to October 31, 2019.
The list of meetings below includes certain intended audiences. However, all meetings are open to anyone.